Sunday, November 18, 2012

Growing organs from your own cells

Andemariam Teklesenbet Beyene had a cancer-ridden windpipe, but thanks to some brilliant scientists, he left with a unique windpipe, one that was created from his own cells. This was the first time that a synthetic organ was successfully created and used to cure a person. The success marks the beginning of a time when organ transplants will no longer require a waiting list or debilitating drugs.

The process for creating an organ capable of functioning in the human body with everything else that is going on is quite complicated with trial and errors. There are many factors that must be in check for the organ to be produced properly. An amount of the patient's cells must be extracted and nurtured, than factors such as the shape, temperature, pH, and others must be monitored to ensure the organ grows correctly. Also, the organ was tested in a bioreactor, which mimics the conditions in the human body. It was only after all this that Beyene had his synthetic windpipe transplanted, and months later Christopher Lyles, had the same treatment for cancer. Due to the complexity of the process, only simple organs like windpipes are able to be constructed, while more complex organs like hearts are still impossible.

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