In heart attacks, cardiomyocytes, or muscle cells, are attacked. If artificial heart tissue is made, it must follow the structure and function of the heart. The heart is an organ that transmits signals to cells for the regulation of muscle contractions (heart beating). Heart tissue that is lab-grown must have a scaffold that is electrically conductive so it can also do this.
Cardiomyocytes have been shown to grow on alginate or gelatin scaffolds in the past. Alginate is a polysaccharide made up of α-L-guluronic acid and β-D-mannuronic acid. Because alginate is found in seaweeds, its structure is very gel-like and flexible. When alginate interacts with metal ions, such as calcium ions, hydrophilic gels are formed. In terms of structure, both poly guluronic acid and poly mannuronic acid bind to calcium ions. However, poly guluronic acid interacts more strongly to calcium by cross linking, and it also has more hydrogen bonding between the carboxyl groups and OH groups. Alginate structures with a greater amount of poly guluronic acid thus have stronger structures.
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Sodium polymannuronic acid |
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Sodium polyguluronic acid |
The carbon nanotubes had a crosslinked methacrylated gelatin film on it, allowing the hydrogel to be formed. This new hydrogel imitated the Punkinje fibers in the heart that have conduction capabilities. It was also seen that these new cells beat at a faster rate than tissue that contained only gelatin and could use an 85% weaker electric field to beat.
In the future, these nanotube-grown cells will be continually used in cardiac tissue applications, as well as in other organs of the body that require the withstanding of contractions.
3d bioprinting = Immortality = go to stars ((typewrite: interstellar travel constant acceleration))
ReplyDelete...3d bioprinting-Immortality (mom-printer: not euthanasia)… within 1 century, to die will be "out of fashion"... whereas there is Life there is hope for hook to 1st Immortal Generation… (There is not another life in none "life beyond" of lies of religion, religion is lie, innocents deceived by religion they believe that "it" of the "beyond" yes would be, but "it" of "here")… The unique Immortality it is coming from We self: Technological Immortality… modified BIOLOGICAL TIMERS...3D BIOPRINTING... on wake up, but...if I am, when I was 18 years old...and still so I remember all my life in the ancient body before…(that is the important: REMEMBER the previous lives after each mortal accident, not remember will serve of nothing because then always you will be living 1 only time without know it)… On the body the important is the head, in the head the important is the brain, in the brain the important is...The Memory...which is, along with Genes and Image, simply, what we are... Your recorded Memory to the new young perfect identical Bioprinted Body and...Immortality...already the accidents do not matter. The Memory is the "soul" (software), our body only is the "automobile" that transport us (hardware)… To what extent are we willing to recognize a friend, or picture yourself, who has received an orthopedic implant after an accident?. Until 1 leg?, besides of leg the 2 arms?, besides of this the chest?, besides of this...where until we still considering to it the same person?... (it´s me!, it´s me!...we would shout without voice, only with head and an extracorporeal machine, on hear to them saying…"well, already we must disconnect to it"). Ultimately, already outside from the physical body, the Memory remains… Wherever our Memory goes, we go away with her… Record the Memory in a electronic format and stored by Law in the Official Data Banks, along with Genes and some Photos of each one, waiting there are in the Future... 1: BIOPRINTED BODIES genetically identical, in image and in all, to the originals in which "revitalize" to the electronic sleepers… 2: SPACE where to live a New and Immortal Life in some Universe´s habitable place... We do not can claim stay all ones here, besides each star and planet they have "expiration date"... "Earth is the cradle of the reason, but is impossible to live eternally in a cradle" (Konstantin E. Tsiolkovski)… (( that…"it" already would be not "Me" of "black paw´s ham" would be a "cyborg/clone/avatar/frankenstein"... Are you sure?, because on sleep, lose consciousness, "it" of "black paw´s ham" dies and disappears every night; do not only each one dies 1 time in the life, dies every night on sleep (die=sleep=fall fainted: switch off and darkness...the unique difference is when sleeping the body continues horizontal living alone vegetal without us, how an empty house no owner occupied)...and on wake up "it" appears every morning (rebirths)...and our MEMORY instantly auto-recognize us, the same in our own original body which in our new body (new car eh!)… If we would have lost the Memory...we would have lost the Life))… Have to accelerate Research about Memory and the Space´s Colonization… Immortality comes... Memory-Genes-Photo>>Bioprinted Body>>Space...
ReplyDelete(1) (orbital station ramp: fresh air)... RENOVATOR AIR UNIT: Powerful-Compressør³ continuously extracting the air Only from bathrooms → compressed dirty air through anti-return retention´s ÷valve to ©Deposit at outer space...besides punctually reinforcing, when sensor detects presence into bathroom connects extractor ~Ventilator of Pressure (220 W) that carries the dirty air to a graphene´s inflatable ºBalloon at outer space, another Compressør² extracts the air of the ºBalloon and injects it compressed through another anti-return retention´s ÷valve to circuit of the ©Deposit which has the dirty air already liquid at cryogenic temperature → #DISTILLER Linde mini → liquids N and O2 (Water Distilled is rescued, the dirty remains that can´t be used is thrown to space) → █Tank Reservoir Air Liquid that receives, if it is necessary, also O2 from ■Tank reservoir O2 liquid... From █Tank Reservoir Air Liquid (N+O2) arrives more/less new air for maintaining the ambient pressure: »»» breeze of clean fresh air 1 bar »»»░... Finally shall smell to roses in a Spacecraft.
ReplyDeleteif you put in web, " bioprinted body and.", period?, then you are a religious. Religions are lies.